Public Now Seeing Art of Givati Who Died Just Before Showing...

Jun 2, 2012 by

A few months ago, Israeli artist Moshe Givati passed away exactly as he was planning a brand new exhibition at New York’s Jadite Galleries. Buzz was already swirling in the Israeli art circles over Givati’s resurfacing after years of retreat.  Givati was known for his compelling abstract paintings defined by his use of bright colors and expressionistic quality. His paintings reflect the not only his internal struggles due to his manic-depression (suspected but never officially diagnosed), inherited from his mother, but also reflect the political and social issues affecting Israel during his lifetime. A vivid example is a painting he produced with emotional intensity the night that Gilad Shalit was released from prison. Shalit, an IDF soldier who was abducted by Hamas terrorists in 2006, was held in prison until October, 2011 when he...

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