“Escape” with the Lower ...

Jun 4, 2020 by

What more appropriate way to spend the evening while we are social distancing then Coping with Crowds: “ESCAPES” on the Lower East Side led by Dr. Sharon Keller.

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Isn’t Medicine Supposed ...

May 18, 2020 by

The patient, in consultation with his doctor, is taking this drug, a medication which many patients swear is what cured them; a drug many doctors say is extremely helpful if taken at the beginning of the disease (but doesn’t help at all in later stages); a drug which other doctors do not prescribe at all.

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Hope, Respect and Friendship d...

May 12, 2020 by

Working Man, written and directed by Robert Jury cuts deep and personal, dealing with the uncertainty, of work, relationships, and mental health, providing an unexpected positive twist. Available on Video-On-Demand

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Setting the Record Straight: A...

May 10, 2020 by

From the outset of the pandemic’s appearance in the Jewish state, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky stressed that everyone should heed the guidelines of Israel’s doctors and the Ministry of Health.

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Lower East Side Jewish Conserv...

May 8, 2020 by

Tours of New York City, especially Jewish landmarks, has become a hallmark of the Lower East Side Jewish Conservancy (LESJC).

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The Heroic Polish Volunteer Wh...

May 6, 2020 by

Jack Fairweather, a former war reporter for The Washington Post and The Daily Telegraph, has written a fascinating account about Witold Pilecki, a 39-year-old gentleman Polish farmer in Eastern Poland who became a national hero. His efforts included alerting the West about Nazi crimes being committed at Auschwitz and attempting to establish an underground army to destroy the camp.

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The Prisoner’s Wife: Innocence...

Apr 23, 2020 by

The Prisoner’s Wife is a tale of epic proportions. It does not shrink from the cruelty of war which, in this telling, is offset only by the strength of love.

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A Children’s First Mental Heal...

Apr 12, 2020 by

Helping children ages 5 – 10 deal with inclusion and self esteem, especially with social distancing due to the COVID-19 crisis.

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