Discover Dates – Nature’s Candy

Feb 13, 2022 by

By Chef David

Dates may be the oldest cultivated fruit in the world, fossil evidence dates back at least 50 million years ago earning it names such as “bread of the desert” or “cake of the poor.” Dates’ long history is in part due to the palms’ ability to grow in nutrition-poor soil needing only sun and water, creating fruit packing a sweet taste, and a high energy value, nature’s candy.

Dates are surrounded by wonderful stories, according to Greek mythology the phoenix built its nest on top of the date palm. After 500 years the bird would catch fire from the flames of the sun only to be reborn from its ashes. Legend has it that Alexander the Great ate seven dates before going to battle.

Jews have a long relationship with dates. Dates are one of the שבעת המינים, seven agricultural products of Israel, which consists of two grains (wheat and barley) and five fruits (grape, fig, pomegranate, olive oil, and date honey). They are also included in the Tu BiShvat seder, where it is traditional to eat at least 15 different types of fruits and vegetables, in addition to the seven species.

D’Vash Organics (certified by Kosher London Beit Din) brings us the Khalas (aka Madina) dates.

D’Vash Organics Premium Khalas Dates

Dates Are Naturally Healthy

Dates sweetness makes them an excellent substitute for refined white sugar. White sugar contains sucrose and glucose, which causes a spike in insulin and blood sugar levels, and provides no nutritional value.  In contrast, dates contain fructose, giving them a low glycemic index, which means the sugar is absorbed slowly.  The fiber in dates slows digestion which helps further prevent spikes in blood sugar levels. As a result date sugar does not cause a ‘sugar-rush’ or the subsequent crash.

In addition to being a good source of dietary fiber, dates are rich in carbohydrates. They contain small amounts of calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, and potassium, and are a source of vitamins B and C.  These nutrients have associated health benefits. Potassium builds/restores muscles and reduces bone loss (osteoporosis). Vitamin B is important for your nervous system especially choline, which is a memory neurotransmitter associated with better memory, and B6 which improves your mood.  Magnesium helps to dilate blood vessels and can help lower blood pressure.  Iron combined with carbohydrates can provide an energy boost, which may be what Alexander the Great discovered.

Like all dried fruit, dates are high in calories (two dried dates contain 80 calories). While adding dates to your diet can be beneficial, like any food, eat it in moderation. Consider eating dates for break-the-fast or as a cure for a hang-over.  The fructose boost might be exactly what you need to snap back.

Different Types of Dates

There are over 1500 different varieties of dates, divided into three types soft, semi-dry and dry. Each variety is unique, with subtle differences in sweetness, flavor, and texture.

D’vash uses Khalas dates, whose name means ‘enough’ or ‘finished’ in Arabic. They are fleshy, moist, and sticky, with a rich deep butter-caramel taste. Khalas dates are average-sized and reddish dark brown in color. While it is difficult to compare tastes of similar fruits, I found Khalas dates different than my notion of dates, with a richer flavor profile than the two more common dates. Medjool referred to as ‘Fruit of Kings’ is larger and a deeper brown color, while Deglet Noor dates are slightly less sweet and more delicate. Deglet Noor’s skin color varies from amber to darkish brown, and they have a drier consistency which makes them ideal for use in cooking.

D’Vash Organics founders Brian Finkel, and David Czinn

D’Vash Organics

Founders, Brian Finkel, and David Czinn became friends during a gap year program at Yeshivat Eretz Hatzvi in Jerusalem in 2005.  They shared a love for Middle Eastern food and discovered the date, a sweetener that was gaining popularity in Israel. In 2017 Finkel and Czinn began selling date nectar made from Medjool dates grown in California. D’Vash is positioning date nectar as a healthier sweetener, compared to honey it contains 25% less sugar, and is less expensive.

The duo dream that one-day D’Vash date nectar will become the next hummus or quinoa. To make D’Vash relatable Finkel suggests the image of Moses putting date syrup in his tea.  This gives D’Vash a legacy, as an ageless sweetener.

Over time, they expanded their date nectar product line to include date nectar with cayenne pepper for a little sweet and spicy kick, sweet potato nectar with a thicker consistency. Steadily they are establishing a wider brand presence, with D’Vash finding its way to the shelves of retail stores, and into commercial manufacturing.

Their product offerings include superfood bites, energy bars, date nectar, and of course Khalas dates.

Nothing But Nature

D’Vash Khalas dates are natural and delicious. The message across the top of their bag proudly boasts ‘Nothing but Nature’.  Khalas dates make a perfect Shabbos snack. I eat them right out of the bag, they provide a quick pick me up.

For variety, add some nut butter to round out the mouth profile. Or simply combine equal parts chopped dates and nut butter and you have an easy energy bar, it’s not as polished as the D’Vash bars, but it is easy and good, or try the Pecan Pie Bliss Balls recipe (below). Dates are delicious in smoothies, especially in combination with bananas.  Try adding chopped dates to top salads, oatmeal, or yogurt (even ice cream).

There are scads of articles about cooking with dates, in my opinion, you should begin with your tried-and-true recipes, by substituting dates or date nectar for refined sugar. This is an easy way to add a rich sweetness while removing the wasteful ‘empty calories’ from sugary sauces while adding fiber. I found that adding dates to tagine dishes brings an authentic Moroccan quality and a sweet spark to rice or couscous.  To enhance the flavor try adding nutmeg and cinnamon.  Experiment!

D’Vash products can be purchased online or use the store locator. The choice is yours, keep the sweetness without guilt, and gain added health benefits. Go dates! Why mess with natural perfection?

Pecan Pie Bliss Balls are sweetened with dates and have only five ingredients. They taste like bite-sized pecan pies.

– 8 D’vash dates
– 1 cup pecans
– 1 tsp cinnamon
– 1/2 tsp nutmeg
– 1 tsp vanilla extract

1. Soak dates in some hot water for five minutes
2. Remove the pits from softened dates
3. Add dates, pecans, cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla to a food processor and pulse until a dough forms
4. Roll into balls
5. Refrigerate for 20 minutes before diving in!