Distant Cousins’ Homecoming in...

Feb 11, 2019 by

Dov Rosenblatt and Ami Kozak from Torah Academy of Bergen County have become talented musicians, whose accomplishments include recordings, commercials, and movies, team up with Duvid Swirsky from Israel for a concert appropriately entitled “Homecoming”.

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Anonymous’s Anti-Trump Op-Ed i...

Sep 21, 2018 by

“Anonymous’s op-ed would serve as a basis for a Federal criminal investigation because he or she prima facie violated the oath of office statute,” says Mark Langfan, who also serves as chairman of Americans for a Safe Israel.

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Acclaimed Author Mark Helprin ...

Dec 19, 2017 by

Mark Helprin is comfortable with Judaism and Israel, doesn’t see Jews as self-loathing Woody Allen wannabees, and knows Donald Trump is not an anti-Semite.

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A Kosher Thanksgiving Lunch fo...

Nov 28, 2017 by

On Thanksgiving morning, Teaneck Deputy Mayor Elie Y Katz and a host of volunteers, with a significant contingent from the Jewish community, hosted a free kosher lunch to almost 200 seniors, veterans, and local families who had nowhere else to go for the holiday.

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Adrien Levin, z”l Atlantic Cit...

Jul 18, 2016 by

Adrien Levin, an Atlantic City businesswoman and musician, died on July 13, 2016 “Atlantic City was also a magnet for classical music, attracting performers and lovers of opera, symphonies, and especially chamber music, and Adrien Levin was at the forefront of that effort.”

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Michael Bernardi: Third Genera...

Jul 14, 2016 by

Fiddler on the Roof, the cherished musical is all about tradition and Jewish continuation

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 “Childless Mother” Dr. Amy Ne...

Jun 21, 2015 by

2015 Battered Mothers Custody Conference (BMCC) keynote speaker, Dr. Amy Neustein shares her story, transforming her personal tragedy into political activism and scholarly writing.

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Pollard Applied for—and Was De...

May 29, 2015 by

The American-Jewish community has long been divided on the issue of Jonathan Pollard’s incarceration, now in its 30th year.

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HNMC’s Chief Nursing Officer H...

May 14, 2015 by

Sheryl Slonim, DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice), named one of NJ’s 2015 Best 50 Women in Business

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Kol Ami: Conversion Law?

May 5, 2015 by

In Israel, the so-called “Conversion Law,” a bill that would allow local rabbis, rather than only members of the Chief Rabbinate, to...

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In NJ’s 9th District, It’s Rab...

Nov 10, 2012 by

Professor Danusha V. Goska, an author and member of the Polish-American community who writes “Bieganski the Blog,” sees a double...

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In a Values-Based Campaign, Ra...

Jul 5, 2012 by

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, the Republican candidate for Congress in NJ’s 9th District, faces an uphill battle to beat Democrat incumbent...

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Many “Rabbis for Obama” Suppor...

May 22, 2012 by

President Obama’s re-election campaign announced last month the launch of “Rabbis for Obama,” a group whose stated goal is to rally...

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