A Day in the Life of The Meyer...
The Magnificent Meyersons offers a beautiful way to view the complexities of life. “The world is wonderful, strange, and unpredictable. We each get to write and interpret our own stories.”
read moreThe Magnificent Meyersons offers a beautiful way to view the complexities of life. “The world is wonderful, strange, and unpredictable. We each get to write and interpret our own stories.”
read moreFrom Hell to Challah, rising from fragile to fearless, one grain at a time. Is an encyclopedia of wisdom, a women’s guide to self-discovery, acceptance, and joy.
read moreThroughout the COVID lockdown, these LESJC virtual tours provided a travel log exploring the Jewish past, allowing armchair explorations through time during a period when physical travel was restricted.
read moreIn 1902, the immigrant women of the LES took charge, mobilized, taking their message to the streets, boycotting meat until prices fell, temporarily breaking the Meat Trust.
read moreVaudeville celebrity Fanny Brice, arguably the mother of all American-Jewish comics, known best for her character Baby Snooks, the loveable, precocious, bratty toddler was the subject of a Lower East Side Jewish Conservancy (LESJC) program.
read moreShepherd provides a fresh perspective, showing hope and the depth of love, in the story of a dog and his boy who together escape Nazi Germany.
read moreRecipes for a New Beginning uses food to assist Transylvan Jews to connect with the past, beginning with gastronomic nostalgia, and evolving into testimonials that would otherwise be lost.
read moreSix Minutes to Midnight is a creative spy-thriller, with a star-studded cast that kept me guessing until the end.
read moreOn-Site Opera, a professional New York City-based company, has found a novel way to keep opera alive and well with a three-part series of radio-style song cycle performances entitled “The Beauty That Still Remains: Diaries in Song.”
read more“Flying Lovers of Vitebsk” whimsical story of Mark and Bella Chagall delicately balancing their love of family with artistic expression.
read moreThe Vigil, the shock horror is found in a psycho-thriller set in Chassidic Boro Park
read moreTenement Museum gives you a virtual glimpse into life on New York City’s Lower East Side, meet the Rogarshevskys who in 1908, shared a three-rooms with nine people.
read more“Conclusive Interview #11 will begin shortly,” viewers are told. The Race is every interviewee’s worst nightmare and a show that will delight audiences.
read moreForget Russia Bordetsky-Williams’ quasi-biographical historic novel, splices together three generations across two continents.
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