Do You Want Al-Jazeera in Your Living Room? Al Gore’s Current TV Makes It a Real Possibility

May 22, 2013 by

Clipart_Current TVIf your cable TV company carries , it is very important to ask the company to drop the station now that it has been bought by Al-Jazeera. Time Warner dropped as soon as the sale was made public. All other cable providers should do so as well, and you can help make sure this happens.

Start by issuing a complaint, but remember, when you call the company, the first person to whom your call is directed may not be the proper person at all. Politely but insistently go up the ladder of authority and ask to speak with a supervisor. Remember: everyone you speak to has a supervisor. Keep climbing until you reach receptive ears.

Current TV may be part of the package you are currently receiving. When you tell your cable company you do NOT want Current TV coming into your home, they probably will start by telling you to drop the package. But there is no reason to drop the other stations in the package that you still want. Further, it is important to tell the company that merely blocking Current TV is not enough.

You want Current TV removed from your system, and you are willing to call repeatedly to get this to happen. Even if you do not watch the channel, the fact that your household receives counts towards the total number of potential viewers, affecting the influence and advertising value.

Be sure to tell your cable company that Time Warner dropped Current TV. Your cable company can and should do this, too.

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