Wishing You a Sweet New Year, Honey

Aug 31, 2021 by

By Chef David

Honey is universally symbolic of a sweet New Year traditionally eaten before holiday meals. An alternative connection to Rosh Hashana is the dual properties of bees, they can provide sweetness or a powerful sting. This sweetener dates to ancient times, honey was even found in the tombs of pharaohs as it was thought to bring immortality. This idea is reinforced by the fact that honey never really spoils (still be careful and follow the expiration dates on the bottles). A recent entry to the kosher honey market, I Heart Bees, certified by the OU offers a wide flavor pallet of 100% raw unfiltered honey. 

Difference between Honey

Not all honey is the same, some contain added corn syrup or other additives to imitate real honey. You can find these imposters by reading the ingredients on the label. When you read the ingredients for I Heart Bees raw, unfiltered honey, it is 100% honey with nothing added or taken away. It was gathered by beekeepers while preserving its natural properties

Raw honey is not pasteurized. Pasteurization heats honey to high temperatures to make it easier to bottle and to delay crystallization. But the heat kills the yeast, vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants, and enzymes, rendering it equivalent to sugar, a simple sweetener. Raw honey is minimally processed, it is not heated above temperatures one would normally find in a hive, thereby retaining its nutrition.

Strained rather than filtered.  Large pieces are removed, from the honey, while pollen remains in unfiltered honey. This connects it to the source and enables I Heart Bees, to produce a range of flavors.

How Bees Make Honey

Flower nectar is collected by bees and gets broken down into simple sugars stored inside the honeycomb. The design of the honeycomb and fanning of the bees’ wings causes evaporation, creating sweet liquid honey.

Honey’s color and flavor vary based on the nectar collected by the bees. The flavor differs depending on location and the flowers the bees pollinate. By controlling their environment, beekeepers produce interesting flavor profiles, I Heart Bees offers six different taste variations. 

I Heart Bees

Ginger, Florida Allergy, Florida Spring, Florida Summer, Florida Fall, Real Strawberry

Know the Flavor Profile

With so many different tastes you can select the flavor profile that matches your meal. Darker honey has a more robust flavor that pairs well with barbeque, while lighter honey is milder and will not overpower your dish. 

I Heart Bees honey comes from Florida, with a specific profile linked to the location and featuring what is in blossom that season: Florida Allergy; is a combination of the entire year, Florida Spring with Orange Blossom has citrus overtones, Florida Summer; sweet and buttery, this is Gary Hinkle, co-founder of I Heart Bees, favorite flavor. My favorite is Florida Fall which has spicy overtones from Brazilian pepper which blooms in the Fall. They produce two flavors, Strawberry Honey and Real Ginger, which have organic ingredients blended into summer honey to enhance the flavors. I was pleasantly surprised at the difference in flavors between the varieties.

They also produce Bee Pollen which appeals to the more health-conscious kosher consumer, serving as a dietary supplement, that can be sprinkled directly on foods.

Health Benefits

Honey can be used as a cough suppressant, or for soothing sore throats. Growing up, I remember fighting colds by drinking tea with honey. But honey should not be given to children under one because it can bacteria which can cause botulism.  Topical uses for honey include treating acne, burns, and rashes, even on pets. Some studies link honey to reduce inflammation and lower the risk of heart disease.

Gary Hinkle, co-founder, and beekeeper – I Heart Bees

Following His Passion to Create I Hear Bees 

I Heart Bees, a family-run business, is the culmination of a dream which began when Gary Hinkle was eleven years old and started keeping bees.  He returned to his passion after a 25-year corporate career, applying his business acumen to build I Heart Bees with his wife, because ‘everyone should live life to the fullest.’ 

Environmentally focused, I Heart Bees packaging is BPA free which gives it a carbon footprint 70% smaller than traditional honey packaging. The packaging makes I Heart Bees easy to use, and store, unlike bottles which can be difficult to open and get sticky. These attractive plastic containers, fit easily in my spice cabinet, with a resealable pouring spout, a design that allows me to add honey one-handed.  

Choose Your Flavor

I marvel at the range of full-bodied tastes, each different, and delicious. Choose the flavor best suited for your tastes, and matches your meal. I added Ginger Honey to my stir-fry, and it hit the mark. I Heart Bees honey will be a conversation starter and compliment for my Yom Tov meals, elevating them beyond the traditional dipping of the apple.  I Heart Bees takes honey to the next level, making it a flavor enhancer. This year put aside the honey bear, make way for the mature and complex flavors of I Heart Bees honey. This honey is un-bee-lievably good!

I Heart Bees can be purchased online or in select stores in Florida or call them directly at 407-616-4561

We wish you a sweet new year! And happy dipping.

Super Moist and Rich Honey Cake from the kitchen of Editor-in-Chief Susan Rosenbluth


    • 3 eggs
    • 1⅓ cups honey
    • 1½ cups sugar
    • 1 cup strong black coffee (or strong tea)
    • 2 tsp baking powder
    • 3 Tbs margarine, softened 
    • 1 tsp baking soda
    • 4 cups flour
    • 1 tsp cinnamon
    • 1 tsp vanilla extract or 1/3 teaspoon of vanilla paste, optional
    • ¼ tsp ground cloves, optional
    • ¼ tsp ground nutmeg, optional
    • ½ cup orange juice, optional


    1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Spray one 9 by 13 inch baking pan
    2. In a large bowl, beat eggs and honey together
    3. Add sugar and mix again
    4. Mix coffee (or tea) with baking powder and then with margarine to the egg mixture 
    5. Add baking soda, flour, cinnamon, and other spices and beat well
    6. Stir in apples or zest (optional)
    7. Pour the batter into the baking pan and bake for approximately 55 minutes. Test with toothpick.

Let cool completely before slicing and serving. The texture of this cake improves when it sits for a bit. I think it is best the day after it is made. Make it ahead and let it sit, uncovered, at room temperature.

Tips and Tricks: 

Before baking, drizzle a bit of honey over the batter. It caramelizes in the oven, giving the bottom and edges of the cake extra crispiness. It also adds the deep, rounded flavor of caramelized honey.

Experiment by adding a diced apple or two, or a tablespoon of orange zest to the batter.

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