Wine Education 101

Aug 5, 2022 by

By Brad du Plessis – Director of Sales and Education at

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when considering exploring the wonders of wine. Treat it like a  journey. You could start learning about the history of wine and its cultural and religious significance, or its relevance to Judaism and civilization as a whole. Or you could begin with the science of wine and explore the complex interplay of sun, soil, yeast, and phenols, the core ingredients underlying every glass of wine. There’s also the option of learning about the wines from specific regions of the world, understanding the nuances that make a Cabernet from Napa Valley so unique, and what differentiates it from the same varietal wine in Israel. In doing so you can expand your knowledge geographically, one region at a time.

However, when it comes to educating oneself about the joys of wine, my philosophy can be summed up by this quote from famous wine writer and merchant Alexis Lichine, “The best way to learn about wine is in the drinking.” 

That isn’t to say that I ignore all the other avenues of wine learning. In fact, when it comes to my own formal wine education certification, through The Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET), all of these topics are explored in extreme and sometimes laborious detail. These traditional and regimented ways of learning can be off-putting to novice wine lovers, creating unnecessary barriers to entry and solidifying the pretentiousness associated with the wine world. Removing these distractions exposes the underlying magic of wine, experienced through its aromas and tastes.

Redefining Wine Education 

My greatest wine breakthrough moments came from exploring the shared lens of science, history, geography, and regionality. We kept those experiences and philosophies in mind when creating the curriculum for the KosherWine Academy. Our classes break the mold of generic wine education. Offering value, fun, and real applicable wine knowledge.

As the premier e-commerce kosher wine retailer in the US, offers virtual wine appreciation courses, attended from the comfort of your home. We meet our customers where they are both geographically and from a wine knowledge perspective, and embark on a 6-week journey. Our classes of 45 students meet every Thursday for 6-weeks via Zoom.  If students are unable to attend live recordings are available.

The course’s format is simple. During the first 20 minutes, we present a fundamental topic about wine. Topics range from the oak influence in wine to a comparison between the old world (European) and new world (USA, Israel, etc.) wine labels. The format is interactive, with questions answered via live chat by our amazing and knowledgeable Wine Consultants, or directly by the presenter. Next, we open two bottles of wine representing the topic we are discussing. For example, one week we tasted an Australian and French Syrah Blend to discuss the differences in wine-making styles between those two countries. This is where the magic happens! 

Students explore their palettes, discussing what they taste without judgment or pretense. They feel comfortable sharing knowing that there are no wrong answers “you taste what you taste!” Everyone is able to grasp the differences and similarities between the wines and connect the theory to the practical.

The first cohort often spent over an hour after the class ended just talking to the Wine Consultants and asking questions about wine. The topics ranged from pairing recommendations to understanding the economics of importing wine into the US. Their excitement was exhilarating, and since I was leading most of the classes this quickly became the highlight of my week. The 6-week session flew by. 

Since then, we have hosted more sessions of Wine 101 and expanded the Academy to include two upper-level classes Wine 201 and 202. These classes offer a deeper dive into grape varieties and regions, covering the major grape-growing areas of the world. The advanced classes introduce students to higher-quality wines.  The course is always free. Students only pay the cost of the case of wine that we taste.

We decided that Thursday nights were the ideal time for the sessions, as any remaining wine could be used for Shabbat.

Wine 101 class: Introduction to Wine runs every Summer while the upper-level classes take place in the Spring and Fall. The Introduction to Wine class is recommended as a prerequisite for the higher-level classes. While for students with a fundamental understanding of wine, any of the classes would be a good fit. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn about wine in a fun and friendly environment.

If you have any questions about the Academy or any other wine-centric educational opportunities reach out to

Brad du Plessis – Director of Sales & Education at