Tick, Tick … Boom!  – Compromise or Continue

Jun 11, 2024 by

By Sue Weston and Susan Rosenbluth, Two Sues on the Aisle

Tick, Tick .. Boom!, a semi-fictionalized autobiographic rock musical by Jonathan Larson, set in New York City in 1990, Larson shares his struggle to create a successful musical before his 30th birthday, (which is only a week away)—a deadline he misses. We attended one of the final performances, at The George Street Playhouse, in New Brunswick and found that this, like many of their other productions, struck a chord. Tick, Tick .. Boom! reminds us of the need to act, a message that is encapsulated in the song ‘Actions are Louder Than Words.’

Tick, Tick … Boom! is named for the anxiety Jonathan Larson experiences as he is keenly aware of the passage of time, and his inability to create a successful musical. He never imagined that in just five years his next production “Rent” would become a success. The real tragedy is that the day before the preview of “Rent” Larson died from an aneurysm.

The Plot

In Tick, Tick .. Boom! Jon (Daniel Marconi) is determined to create a name for himself. He introduces his sci-fi operetta called “Superbia” at a workshop, which gains him recognition as an up-and-coming talent, but, this production is not destined for success. His dancer girlfriend, Susan (Cathryn Wake) decides it is time to leave the City, and accepts a teaching position in Massachusetts. His best friend, Michael (John Yi) had abandoned his career in acting for a corporate job in marketing for a sizable salary, a BMW, and a palatial apartment. Michael had arranged for Jon to try marketing. It ended in disaster which, with Jon walking out, disillusioned with their creative process.

The three performers clicked together, with Wake and Yi playing a variety of ancillary characters.

The show moves quickly across time, as Jon struggles to get a semblance of control over his life and decides to follow his dream. Jon Larson was immensely talented; we are grateful he did not compromise.

Cathryn Wake, Daniel Marconi, and John Yi

Larson  – A True Story

Larson was Jewish. His grandfather, Bernard Issac Lazarson was born in Russia and changed the family name. In the course of his short career, he wrote over 200 songs and received three posthumous Tony Awards and a Pulitzer Prize in drama for “Rent”.

Although his first attempt at producing a musical “Superbia,” based on George Orwell’s “1984” was a failure, it captured Stephen Sondheim’s attention. “Tick, Tick .. Boom!” which expresses Larson’s frustration and his feelings of rejection. Larson includes the song “Sunday” which is a tribute to his idol and mentor, Stephen Sondheim. Jon describes his job as a waiter, as a parody of Sondheim’s “Sunday in the Park with George.”

Tick, Tick… Boom! Is a reminder not to give up on your dreams. This powerful, playful, provocative production, was Larson’s production before “Rent.” It leaves us wondering what could have been next, had Larson lived.

Tick, Tick … Boom! Provides musical inspiration for anyone who has a dream.

Next at the George Street Playhouse – The Arthur Laurents Theater

  • What the Constitution Means to Me – September 24 – October 13, 2024
  • Gene & Gilda – December 3 – 22, 2024
  • Small – January 21 – February 9
  • King James – March 18 – April 6

As always, The George Street Playhouse is an intimate venue to experience the wonder of live theater located conveniently in the heart of New Jersey.


Two Sues on the Aisle bases its ratings on how many challahs (1-5) it pays to buy (rather than make) to see the play, show, film, book, or exhibit being reviewed.

Tick, Tick .. Boom! received 4 Challahs

Run Time: One hour and 30 minutes with no intermission.

four challah rating

Four Challah Rating