JFood Expo Returns – Kosher Culinary Connector

Jul 3, 2024 by

By Chef David

Making connections is the primary focus of the JFood Expo which was at the New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center on June 18. This one-day event was split between two audiences. The morning was devoted to business-to-business meetings, providing an opportunity for one-on-one sessions between vendors and distributors. After 4 PM the feast begins – JFood Expo devotes the afternoon to consumers, focused on tasting, taking, and talking.  We experienced a variety of new and exciting kosher products.

The unlikely combination of tradeshow and kosher foodfest works. JFood Expo was low profile, but well attended. The organizers’ focus seemed to be creating an environment for making contacts, which included introducing buyers and consumers to new kosher food and related items (shelving, storage, packaging, catering, and even a machine that custom-makes cotton candy and balloons).

Space for Conversations

While traditional trade shows are packed solid, with wall-to-wall booths, displays, and sales material, where vendors entice potential buyers to stop, JFood changes the interaction by creating a space from one that is sales-first to a space that encourages shmoozing. One side of the event space contained a fully stocked buffet, including soups, chicken, chulent, kugel, and drinks, surrounded by tables, and chairs.  This section provides semi-private space just to chat and nosh. This setting is less formal and more social. They created another private section designed for sales-focused one-on-ones, which could be conducted in separate screened areas at the back of the room.  JFood gives vendors privacy and multiple opportunities to connect with potential buyers. Who knows where the next connection will come from?

JFood guarantees that no one leaves hungry, while at the same time giving caterers and suppliers a culinary showcase.

Interesting New Products

There were many brands that we met several weeks earlier at Kosherpalooza positioning kosher vendors to use JFood Expo as an opportunity to continue to influence the kosher food market in the Northeast.  Some notable brands include Kravy, Back in the Hay Farms (with a display of adorable chicks), Meal Mart, Jerky from Jorburg, Ben’s Best, and Skinny Coated – just to name a few.

The expo attracted a wide array of kosher food providers ranging from caterers, like Shefa Appetizing, to distributors, like Jacmir Food Services, and huge multi-brand organizations like FFP (Fresh Food Partners) sitting next to smaller vendors like Pure Bakes by Danielle and restaurants like Pizza on the 9. The room was filled with aisle after aisle of vendors, offering a range of food options. Located in the very center of the room was a colorful attraction, Sweet Robo vending machines creating custom gifts – Balloon Bot, and Cotton Candy. It seemed like every man, woman, and child was carrying a balloon or cotton candy.

Our Experience

Tucked away in the Edison Convention Center at the JFood Expo everything felt back to normal, there were no lines to get in, it felt safe and there was ample parking. We arrived at four with the other consumers and although some vendors had already left, there was still a full room to explore. It was refreshing that the entire expo was devoted to the kosher consumer, there was no hidden agenda other than snacking. Vendors who offered sample-sized portions were happy to dish out seconds. The most delicious and unusual discovery of the day was dandelion yogurt from Meant to Be Food.

The day of JFood was one of the hottest of the year, but that did not keep vendors or consumers away. That is a clear indication of a good line-up. We would like to recommend one small change, next time provide a list of vendors and their contact information. Knowing who was at JFood would make it easier to establish and maintain connections after the event.

We filled our bags with goodies, including some healthy options, bagged salad, and fresh fruit cups, and visited all the vendors several times, until, like all good things, the show drew to a close.  We look forward to returning next year!