Going with the Grain – Healthier Eating – Ezekiel and GranoLust

Aug 14, 2024 by

By Chef David

Eating six servings of grain per day is recommended for a healthy diet. At least half should be from whole grains which are high in iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, B vitamins, and dietary fiber. Whole grains include oats, whole wheat, brown rice, barley, quinoa, and corn, which are likely already part of your diet.

Grains are small, hard edible dry seeds with three edible parts – bran, germ, and endosperm.

Bran is the hard outside surrounding the nutrient-rich core and contains the endosperm, the largest part of the grain which includes the carbohydrates and protein, while the germ is the core of the seed where growth occurs; it is rich in healthy fats, E & B vitamins, phytochemicals, and antioxidants. 

Grains come in a variety of forms

refined grains which are milled, removing the bran and germ. This gives them a finer texture and longer shelf life but removes fiber and nutrients.

whole grains contain all three parts making them high in minerals, nutrients, and fiber.

 – sprouted grains are whole grains that have started to grow. In sprouting, the enzymes turn the seed’s stored nutrients into more usable forms which makes the grains more easily digestible, and sweeter as the nutrients stored in the seeds are released.

We tasted two whole grain products Ezekiel Bread from Food For Life certified by the Kof K and GranoLust granola certified by MK. Both are pareve and provide a delicious way to eat healthier.

Sprouted Difference

Because sprouted grains have the same nutritional benefits as whole grains, but with a slightly different mouth feel. Sprouted grains can be substituted for refined flour but they behave differently. They form stronger gluten bonds so less kneading is needed, ferment more easily, and cook in a shorter amount of time because they have already begun to sprout.

Ezekiel Bread

Ezekiel bread is made from organic, sprouted whole grains and legumes including wheat, millet, barley, spelt, soybeans, and lentils. They use a slow baking technique to preserve the natural fiber and bran.

Ezekiel bread is a source of zinc, vitamin B6, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, and iron. One slice of 4:9 Bread contains 80 calories, 3 grams of fiber, and 4 grams of protein with zero added sugar or preservatives.

Ezekiel sprouted grain breads do not contain preservatives, and are typically stored in the freezer section in grocery stores.

The Brand

Ezekiel Bread was founded in 1964 by Max Torres who ran a small bakery in the back of a neighborhood natural food store. 60 products and years later, they continue to make wholesome baked goods that are high in fiber and vegan.

Use their store locator to find Ezekiel products in a supermarket near you.

Our Ezekiel Experience

We experienced the Ezekiel difference, a rich dense bread made of sprouted grains. If you prefer soft bread, Ezekiel is an entirely different eating experience, it is a substantial slice, which can take getting used to. We enjoyed the more complex mouthfeel provided by these sprouted whole grains and the full-bodied hearty flavor. Ezekiel adds a texture and taste of its own, presenting a complexity of flavors, and making ordinary sandwiches better.

We found that their packaging was distinctive and easily recognizable. We recommend storing the bread in the freezer. A loaf can remain fresh for 5 days on the shelf, 2 weeks if refrigerated, and up to a year frozen.

Ezekiel has an expanding product line that includes English Muffins, pasta, cereal, pasta, tortillas, and bread. We tried their selection of 4:9 sprouted bread which comes in cinnamon-raisin, sesame and flax sprouted whole-wheat, and 7-grain. They were all good, but our favorites were the cinnamon raisin and Genesis 1:29, which is a sprouted grain and seed bread, with 16 grains and seeds giving it a nutty flavor.

Ezekiel flips the script on sandwiches, making the bread a healthy source of protein, rather than just the wrapper.


GranoLust is a granola that combines sweet and salty, it is vegan and gluten-free. It redefines granola, from the drab healthy breakfast cereal transforming granola as a healthy accessory for any meal, a tasty way to add protein and fiber.

Its creator, Julie (a.k.a. the Lust Queen), combined her degree in journalism and a 20-year career as a Senior Executive for a local fashion house, and her passion as a foodie into mouth-watering granola for Montreal’s hottest juice bar.

GranLust uses a non-traditional mix of flavors, for example, the Montreal Bagel includes mint, cayenne pepper, and cardamon to accentuate the rolled oats, pumpkin, and flax seeds. It provides a wake-up call for our tastebuds. As for nutritional content, ¼ cup serving contains 150 calories 3 grams of protein, and 2 of fiber. Maple Quinoa was a great yogurt addition containing rolled oats, quinoa flakes, flax, and pumpkin seeds, and sweetened with maple syrup, cinnamon, and vanilla.

They come in distinct flavors – we tasted several and found them all unusually tasty

  1. Triple Nut Crunch combines slow-roasted almonds, cashews, and coconut
  2. Maple Quinoa highlights Canada’s best Maple Syrup
  3. Mocha Chocolate Crunch blends rich coffee and smooth dark chocolate
  4. Rosemary Parmesan Crunch combines the sharp flavors of (vegan) parmesan with earthy rosemary
  5. Mango Chili Savoury Granola Clusters combines sweet and spicy flavors

GranoLust can be purchased online and in some stores in Canada.

Our GranLust Experience

We were initially skeptical about the savory granola, which packed a stronger flavor. After our initial hesitation, we experimented with GranLust and discovered that it stood up nicely as a salad topper, adding a satisfying flavored crunch without sacrificing nutrition.

Adding whole grains to your diet is simple, enhancing the health benefits of classic meals. Whole grains can reduce your urge to snack by making you feel full longer. (You may find yourself reading the ingredient labels to see what is in the product you are purchasing.) Even people raised on white bread, and sugary cereals, can learn to enjoy the difference of eating whole grains. We appreciated the complexity of the textures and tastes provided by GranLust and Ezekial breads. Healthier foods can still taste great.

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