What Should AIPAC Do Now?
How to respond now that the fight to defeat the Iran nuclear agreement is over
read moreHow to respond now that the fight to defeat the Iran nuclear agreement is over
read moreThe rally held in Times Square on July 22 attracted thousands of Jews who wanted to make sure Congress heard their cry to reject the deal the Obama administration has struck with Iran. At the rally, the question was: Why did you come?
read moreNoted educator and Jewish communal activist joined forces with the Lincoln Technical Institute to bring hands-on career training programs for a variety of fields
read moreWhat’s going on in Teaneck? It seems that Chuck Powers and his wife, Barbara “People worry that there’s a group that wants [Teaneck] to become an Orthodox community like some of the ones in Rockland County” Toffler, are now part of a group that says its purpose is “to make sure that the wider public knows what’s going on.”
read moreOperation Protective Edge ended last August, and while Hamas has made clear it still considers Israel its arch enemy, it now apparently sees an uneasy calm with the Jewish state as its only alternative to utter destruction.
read moreOperation Protective Edge, Israel’s 2015 response missiles fired at Israeli civilian targets by terrorist groups in Gaza, as well as the kidnapping of three teenagers by Hamas operatives in Judea are being can’t be labeled as ‘war crimes’
read moreThe American-Jewish community has long been divided on the issue of Jonathan Pollard’s incarceration, now in its 30th year.
read moreThe current strife in the Islamic world is seen as the continuation of the ancient battle between Shi’ite and Sunni Muslims. One security analyst believes the conflict, was instigated by Iran to divide and conquer the Arab world and, destroy Israel.
read moreWhat motivates some once-rightwing Israeli leaders to “become dovish” once in office?
read moreThere is no institution in Israel which carries more approval from the citizens of the country than the Israeli Defense Forces. By contrast, there is almost no organization in Israel which engenders less admiration than the country’s police force.
read moreIf your cable TV company carries Current TV, it is very important to ask the company to drop the station now that it has been bought by Al-Jazeera.
read moreMs. Gordon wrote this op-ed in 1999, which is when it appeared in The Jewish Voice and Opinion, shortly after a JCC in Los Angeles was attacked by an antisemitic gunman who came looking for blood.
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