A Quid Pro Quo for What Purpos...

Nov 5, 2019 by

The issue is not was there a quid pro quo between President Trump and Mr. Zelensky, but rather who was the beneficiary of the request. The obvious answer: American taxpayers who were being asked to give a great deal of money to Ukraine, a country riddled with charges of corruption and meddling in the 2016 US Presidential election.

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Even if Trump Wins in 2020, th...

Jul 23, 2019 by

The only way for Mr. Trump to avoid impeachment is for Republicans to regain control of the House and retain control of the Senate. If the Republicans regain the House, Ilhan Omar would no longer be on its Foreign Relations Committee.

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Call Speaker Pelosi’s Office t...

Jul 18, 2019 by

Simply call the Speaker’s office at 202-225-0100 and either tell a staffer or just leave a message informing her that you support bringing House Resolution 246 to a vote on the floor.

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Detention Centers on Our South...

Jul 9, 2019 by

Trivializing the Holocaust for political and propaganda purposes

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Placing the Birth of Israel in...

Jul 1, 2019 by

Monty Noam Penkower provides an in-depth analysis of the conditions surrounding the establishment of the state of Israel.

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The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in ...

May 3, 2019 by

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, an act of Jewish resistance in German-occupied Poland undertaken to oppose the Nazis’ final effort began April 19, 1943

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Why So Many Young Israelis Vot...

Apr 29, 2019 by

Israeli young people learn their country’s history and the dangers of ceding land to Palestinian groups

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The Current Crisis

Jan 13, 2019 by

Does the Finnish “artist” fight to withdraw his piece from the museum, presumably showing his concern for Muslim Palestinians, or does he fight to keep McJesus at the museum, showing his disdain for Christian Palestinians and his own distorted view of free speech?

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Anonymous’s Anti-Trump Op-Ed i...

Sep 21, 2018 by

“Anonymous’s op-ed would serve as a basis for a Federal criminal investigation because he or she prima facie violated the oath of office statute,” says Mark Langfan, who also serves as chairman of Americans for a Safe Israel.

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Letter to the Editor: In Prais...

Jun 5, 2018 by

At YJS, the curriculum was based on the notion that the Modern-Orthodox Jewish community should strive to integrate Judaic and secular education and apply what is learned in the classroom to situations that arise in everyday life.

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The Midterms Will Be between t...

Apr 5, 2018 by

Pro-Israel voters have an tough choice

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Pat Boone: Former Teenage Hear...

Mar 9, 2018 by

“When people who don’t know or recognize me ask if I’m Jewish, I always tell them, yes, by adoption. My parents made sure my brother, sisters, and I learned early on that the entire Good Book was written by, about, and for Jews. Too many Christians don’t quite grasp that,” he says.

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Alan Dershowitz: “The Current ...

Dec 19, 2017 by

If anyone is to blame for the recent kerfuffle over the status of Jerusalem it is not President Donald Trump, but, rather, President Barack Obama, who, a year ago, acted at the UN in lame-duck revenge against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whom he hated.

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Acclaimed Author Mark Helprin ...

Dec 19, 2017 by

Mark Helprin is comfortable with Judaism and Israel, doesn’t see Jews as self-loathing Woody Allen wannabees, and knows Donald Trump is not an anti-Semite.

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