Deaths of Hostages Lies on Ham...
The insanity of rewarding Hamas for murdering six hostages must stop.
read moreThe insanity of rewarding Hamas for murdering six hostages must stop.
read moreWhy is it that in the “World According to the PA,” there are no Arab terrorists?
read moreSure, Hamas and Palestinian supporters welcome your support and will stand arm-in-arm with you as you both stand against Israel. But when they are done using you and your idealism, they will turn against you.
read moreWomen’s movements fail to condemn the assault against Israeli teenage girls and women
read moreBuild on the great American Jewish traditions of generosity, solidarity and love of Israel
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read moreHarmony, despite differences. Breaking Bread, where chefs achieve cross-cultural connection in the kitchen.
read moreDr. Ephraim Sneh: “The Israeli government will continue our policy of liquidating those who plan or carry out attacks, and no one can give us lessons in morality because we have, unfortunately, 100 years of fighting terrorism. If anyone has committed or is planning to carry out terrorist attacks, he has to be hit. It is effective, precise, and just.”
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