Anti-Israel Groups Protest Net...

Nov 6, 2015 by

It isn’t often that Israel’s enemies give supporters of the Jewish State specific tools to act in Israel’s defense, but when it happens, many of Israel’s defenders believe it is incumbent on them to act quickly. On November 10, the Center for American…

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The One Hundred and Ten Years ...

Nov 1, 2015 by

It took me three days to build up enough courage to visit what remained of Cong. Poalei Zedek in
New Brunswick, New Jersey. What was once a stately and ornate structure had almost instantaneously
become a burnt out shell…

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Ess Gezint: The Kosher Silver ...

Oct 25, 2015 by

Revolutionary healthy, often low-calorie recipes

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Ess Gezint: Jewish Slow Cooker

Jul 31, 2015 by

slow cooker recipies

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Kol Ami: The Rally against the...

Jul 31, 2015 by

The rally held in Times Square on July 22 attracted thousands of Jews who wanted to make sure Congress heard their cry to reject the deal the Obama administration has struck with Iran. At the rally, the question was: Why did you come?

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Rabbi Dr. Wallace Greene: “Col...

Jul 30, 2015 by

Noted educator and Jewish communal activist joined forces with the Lincoln Technical Institute to bring hands-on career training programs for a variety of fields

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Jewish Voice and Opinion Is No...

Jun 24, 2015 by

After 28 years, The Jewish Voice and Opinion is moving into the 21st century. While it will still be devoted to speaking out forcefully and unashamedly for the unique concerns of what we call “Classical Judaism,” it will now do so online at

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What’s Going On in Teaneck?

Jun 24, 2015 by

What’s going on in Teaneck? It seems that Chuck Powers and his wife, Barbara “People worry that there’s a group that wants [Teaneck] to become an Orthodox community like some of the ones in Rockland County” Toffler, are now part of a group that says its purpose is “to make sure that the wider public knows what’s going on.”

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Hamas Is in Trouble: ISIS Want...

Jun 23, 2015 by

Operation Protective Edge ended last August, and while Hamas has made clear it still considers Israel its arch enemy, it now apparently sees an uneasy calm with the Jewish state as its only alternative to utter destruction.

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Israel Says Palestinian Casual...

Jun 23, 2015 by

Operation Protective Edge, Israel’s 2015 response missiles fired at Israeli civilian targets by terrorist groups in Gaza, as well as the kidnapping of three teenagers by Hamas operatives in Judea are being can’t be labeled as ‘war crimes’

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The Current Crisis: “Even in L...

Jun 21, 2015 by

The Church of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fish was set on fire, and graffiti, consisting of a passage from the Siddur, asking that “the worshippers of idols be destroyed” was found scrawled on the walls, in Hebrew.

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 “Childless Mother” Dr. Amy Ne...

Jun 21, 2015 by

2015 Battered Mothers Custody Conference (BMCC) keynote speaker, Dr. Amy Neustein shares her story, transforming her personal tragedy into political activism and scholarly writing.

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Ess Gezint: Jewish Soul Food f...

Jun 20, 2015 by

ewish Soul Food: Traditional Fare and What It Means by Carol Ungar (Brandeis University Press) is not another “coffee-table” cookbook, almost too beautiful to risk staining in the kitchen. This is a slim paperback with a mission: To showcase the deep link between Jewish foods and Jewish beliefs…

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