Book Review: Historical Atlas ...

Mar 29, 2019 by

A cartographic reference work on Hasidism, the movement that developed in 18th century Europe to become one of the largest and most important factions in Judaism.

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Direct Line from the Protocols...

Feb 14, 2019 by

Rep. Ilhan Omar’s antisemitic statement that AIPAC buys the support of American politicians for Israel is nothing more than the now-Congresswoman’s latest attempt to resurrect the baseless accusations against Jews that were originally aired in the notorious Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

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Reform-Jewish Opposition to Pr...

Mar 7, 2017 by

Immigration controversy in the United States

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UN Human Rights Council’s Scha...

Jan 30, 2017 by

There are a number of non-government organizations (NGOs) in Israel that undermine and delegitimize the Jewish state. Since this is an ongoing problem which reaches a feverish pitch every time the Jewish state responds to a missile or mortar attack against Israeli towns and cities, it is instructive to examine how Israel is investigated for some of its alleged human-rights violations.

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A Resource Guide: The Palestin...

Jun 7, 2016 by

Information those with little or no background about the Palestinian Arab-Israeli conflict

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Why Is Ireland So Hostile to I...

Apr 18, 2016 by

Having experienced religious persecution themselves, the Irish identified with Jews. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case ..

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Israelis Who Support BDS

Feb 27, 2016 by

Those who believe no Israeli could possibly support the Boycott-Divestment-and Sanctions (BDS) movement, have not met Avraham Burg, a former Speaker of the Knesset and head of the Jewish Agency who was once considered a candidate for Prime Minister of Israel. Mr. Burg has made clear that he supports a world-wide boycott of Israeli goods…

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