Popcorn: Perfect Food, Amazing Flavor, and Flare
By Chef David
Since corn was domesticated about 10,000 years ago in what is now Mexico, it’s a fair bet that people have known about and enjoyed popcorn for thousands of years. Deanan Gourmet Popcorn, a Texas brand long known for its quality and creative flavors, recently received kosher certification from Dallas Kosher. This means, just in time for Purim next month, Jewish tastebuds can be tantalized by popcorn with Texas’s most authentic flavors and exotic names that inspire imaginations, especially for those of us from New Jersey, where these tastes are almost unimaginable.
There is, for example, a mix of caramel and spicy cheddar that goes by the name “Texas Two-Step,” and “Texas Heat” is a mix of spicy cheddar and white cheddar jalapeño. “Texas Wildflower” is a vanilla-flavored snack that comes in six colors, and “Say Hot” is just white cheddar jalapeño all by itself.
There are other gourmet flavors, too, including Cashew Coconut Popcorn, Salsa-n-Cheddar Corn, Cheese Corn, Caramel Corn, Pecan-Almond Delight, White Cheddar Corn, Dark Chocolate, Kettle Corn made with Sea Salt, and Cranberry Walnut Crunch.

Deanan Gourmet Popcorn
High-Quality, Exotic Treat
After tasting a variety of bags (hey, it’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it), I was impressed by the brand’s consistent high quality. Each kernel was fully popped and evenly coated, making the product pure eating enjoyment. Certainly, for a pallet like mine, which is used to kosher-only products, this was an exotic treat, a blend of bold flavors without any taste of chemical-designed cheese or salty residue.
Deanan has given the Jewish community a popcorn eater’s dream. The clean satisfying flavors complement rather than dominate, and the fresh and natural taste is all that’s left. Unlike standard store brands that leave a residual stain on the fingers, Deanan Gourmet Popcorn’s only lingering reminder is the authentic taste left in the mouth.
As I worked my way through the flavors, I was delighted to find that each was immensely satisfying. As I opened one bag after another (just to take a small taste of each, for starters), I found I liked the spicier flavors best.
Of course, I soon was not the only one eager to sample these exotic flavors. It didn’t take long for the contents of each bag to disappear as they were first inhaled and then gobbled up by the rest of my family. We all enjoyed the vast variety and the way Deanan manages to pair the flavors (we loved the way the cheese complimented the spicy, which was never overbearing) and achieve wonderful texture and colors.
I don’t know how your family will handle it, but mine avoided looking at the calorie count. In fact, the caloric values vary from a low of 110 calories for a serving of Kettle Corn Gourmet to 190 calories for the Caramel Corn single-serving bag.
Family Affair
Deanan was founded in 1979 just after Lt. Col. Dean Alexander retired from the United States Air Force. He and his wife, Nanella, purchased a gourmet popcorn franchise in a San Antonio, Texas, shopping mall and named their new company for themselves: Dean plus Nan gave them Deanan.
Over the next several years, they bought and sold several retail locations, which allowed them to work together and involve their five children.
Today, much of their business focuses on fundraising and great-tasting gift programs, but they are also finding their way on to the shelves of some larger stores.
They are convinced that one of the reasons for their success is their dedication to using only the finest ingredients possible. For example, the Alexanders eschew the regular popcorn used by most other companies, often called “butterfly” corn due to the small “wings” that break off during the confection process. The Alexanders use a special “mushroom” popcorn, named because of the large round kernel it produced when popped.

At Your Door
However, they do it, it is undeniable that Deanan provides a gastronomic experience not usually available in the kosher world, where all too often, foods are one-dimensional or sweet. Taste sensations, such as spicy cheddar and cheese with jalapeño are a welcome change.
What’s more, Deanan delivers, and shipping is free for some orders. A great deal of their business consists of online orders, which is ideal for the current shelter-at-home lifestyle and perfect for anyone’s movie night.
With Purim just around the corner—this year, on February 26—bags of popcorn would make a terrific addition to Mishloach Manot packages. The pre-wrapped packages, assorted flavors, and rainbow colors lend themselves to creative, interesting themes, waiting to be used without having to leave the house.
For more information including information about Fuss Free Fundraising, look at https://deanan.com/ or call 972-442-1500.
Deanan’s lets us share a unique popcorn experience with friends and family. Enjoy.