Terrorist Will Head PA’S New System for Paying Terrorists

Feb 11, 2025 by

NEW YORK –  A veteran Palestinian Arab terrorist will be in charge of the Palestinian Authority’s new system for paying terrorists, a leading pro-Israel organization has pointed out.

The Times of Israel reports (February 11) that PA cabinet minister and veteran terrorist Ahmad Majdalani will head the new Palestinian National Foundation for Economic Empowerment, which PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas has announced will be in charge of all social welfare payments, including those to terrorists and their families.

Some media reports have claimed that terrorists will now receive payments only if they are in financial need, not according to the longstanding criteria of the length of their prison sentences (meaning, how many Jews they killed). 

“It’s an obvious and outrageous ruse,” said Moshe Phillips, chairman of Americans For A Safe Israel (AFSI). “The terrorists will simply claim that because they are in jail, their families are in need, and the families of dead terrorists will say they are in need since their breadwinners blew themselves up.” 

“The fact that the new agency will be run by a veteran terrorist ensures that it will promote the needs of terrorists,” Phillips added. “The fox will be guarding the hen house.”

Majdalani is the leader of the terrorist Palestinian Popular Struggle Front. It has carried out numerous terrorist attacks over the years, including the mass shooting at El Al offices in Athens, Greece, murdering a two-year-old Greek boy and wounding fourteen other civilians;  and the 1970 hijacking of Olympic Airways Flight 255. Majdalani has never expressed remorse for those attacks or compensated any of the victims.

“The only way to truly end ‘pay-for-slay’ is for the Palestinian Authority to announce that anybody who has engaged in violence against Israel is disqualified from any government payments,” AFSI chairman Phillips said. “That would demonstrate that the PA sincerely rejects terrorism. Anything less is a sham, which is designed to pull the wool over the eyes of the international community.”


Established in 1970, Americans For A Safe Israel (AFSI) is one of the oldest and most influential pro-Israel organizations in the United States. Its advocacy and education campaigns serve as a potent counterweight to the rising tide of Arab propaganda. AFSI is not affiliated with any political party in the United States or Israel.

Moshe Phillips is national chairman of Americans For A Safe Israel (www.AFSI.org), a leading pro-Israel advocacy and education organization.


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